Black Friday is mostly about creating good deals for the consumers to be able to increase their spending. In contrast to consuming for your own good, this year we’re introducing the opposite of consumption for your own good; White Friday. But don’t despair, if you rather make a good deal on our apparel there’s still the regular Black Friday campaign for you.
- Black Friday: 50% off all black apparel
- White Friday: 100% of revenue from non-black apparel donated to Movember
Shop Black Friday | Shop White Friday
We’re focusing our White Friday campaign on Movember to support their vital mission of raising awareness and improving men’s mental health. Movember goes beyond the mustache, tackling key issues like mental health struggles, suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. By sparking conversations and funding life-changing programs, Movember empowers men to live healthier, happier lives.
Throughout the Black Weekend, we’ll not only be offering incredible deals but also shining a spotlight on men’s health. Every purchase you make on non-black appeal helps us amplify Movember’s message and contribute to a cause that saves lives. Together, we can make a real difference. Let’s grow, give, and support the men in our lives this Black and White Friday!